Saturday, November 18, 2006


Good morning,

I just got back from getting coffee and breakfast fixin's with Andrew. It is amazing how grown up he is. Less and less he is a boy and more and more he is a man. Anyway, I wanted to give a little time to the Mercy Me and Audio A show that we went to on Thursday night. It was the first time that all 5 of us have gone to a concert before. It was a big hit. I wasn't sure if it would be as we pulled up to Lipscomb's campus in Nashville. It was a parking nightmare. We drove in circles in a parking lot for what seemed like forever until I got creative and found a spot (we won't talk about what that entailed, let's just say, we got parked). When we got to the line to get in, we noticed that you weren't allowed to take any food into the arena, which wasn't bad for us, but evidently a bunch of people brought supper with them, because there was a table filled with the bones of fast food. It was kind of funny, it looked like a buffet. My middle son Joey, always with something to say, asked if he could file through and eat on the way in... they said no, he was disappointed.

As for the concert, it was a really good show. Audio A came out and it was a great big old fashioned rock show. They were loud and a lot of fun. They did the classics, like Get Down and Big House, and it was rather emotional for them, because it was their last show in their hometown. Very cool farewell. When Mercy Me came out, they started with a bang by doing "No More, No Less" and just flew into 5 straight songs back to back. After doing most of their hits they settled into time for Bart Millard to preach just a little, and did it through and in and out of the song, Because He Lives. It was a great moment, that I hope I can get some stuff to use in worship. They ended the night with I Can Only Imagine, the crowd went nuts and then they just stuck around. It was interesting, it was like no one really wanted to go home.

BIG PROPS to the production designer for the tour, they did a great job of giving Audio A their own space, and still making it huge for Mercy Me. I would see them again. They were a lot of fun.

I better go... I have to start getting myself mentally ready for tomorrow's worship.

See you in His presence...

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

Parking at Lipscomb is a pill!

I'm still so sad that this is Audio A's final tour. The first time I heard their song, "Goodbye" I openly wept! When you've been a fan of a band since their genesis it's sad to see the end arrive.