Friday, December 8, 2006


Good morning,

I know it has been a while since my last post, but it is always really busy around the first 2 weeks of Advent. Decorating a church the size of Broadway is a daunting task even with great help like I have. I think it will look fine, but I am exhausted. I have never been a big Christmas decoration fan, mostly because I was charged with it at the last place I worked and it was, to put it mildly, and big task, espescially for someone who doesn't like to decorate for Christmas and doesn't see a great need to make things look like Macy's.

Anyway, I think we are about done with that part, thank the Lord. Next I turn my attention to Christmas Eve service. This year I am excited to have my friend Mike Strautman playing his style of Christmas music (jazz saxophone). I think it will be a great time for something a little different.

I better get to work. I hope all is well wherever you are.

See you in His presence...

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