Saturday, February 2, 2008

Week 5 of WW

Starting Weight - 221.4
Total lbs lost this week - 3.6
Current Weight - 198.8

Total lbs lost to date: 22.6

Today was a big day in terms of Weight Watchers. I went over 22lbs lost. This means that I have lost over 10% of my body weight. This is huge for me because this is the first time in several years that I have been under 200lbs. I am rather excited about it. I deferred my public celebration until next week, so that I can celebrate it with my son. He will cross his 10% plateau next week. We started this thing together, and we will celebrate together.

Until next time...



Jennifer Coomer said...

Louis, you have lost a whole cocker spaniel named Derby Pie.

(yes, i *have* been saving that one.)

Louis Tagliaboschi said...

You are killing me.