Sunday, September 7, 2008

And the facelift begins...

OK, so I have been kind of quiet the last week or so. Partly because I was exhausted and was taking some down time, and partly because I passed a kidney stone on Friday. Yes, that's right, I said I passed a kidney stone. It sucked and I don't want to ever have to do that again. So I have to start drinking a gallon of water a day.

The other reason that I have been quiet this week is because we are preparing for a big facelift the MAC (where we have our contemporary services). I will be posting pictures and stories along the way.

The first thing that had to be done was taking the cloth that decorated the side walls of the room down. I have a new program on my mac that allows my video camera to do a time-lapse video. I hope to make a video of the entire process when we are done. Below is said video of my son, (and indispensable right hand), striking the cloth on one side of the room.

Now, I am off to bed. I will start tomorrow at 6:30am with a bike ride to the church and start un-boxing the new LED lights and such.

Later kids...


Jennifer Coomer said...


Jason said...

that video is off the meter.

I will no longer drink tea and will begin drinking a gallon of water each and every day. I do not want to have a kidney stone...

is it ok if I mix crystal light with the water?